I may not be passionate about many things in my 22 years of living
but among what I do love is music, traveling, marketing and
the world around us. Follow along with me as I try to figure out
how to navigate myself in this marketing world

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Is new always the best ?

With the ever-changing of our society and new technology who wouldn't want to be on the verge of the "new". I can't deny it, when the newest update for the blackberry came out I ran to the store and was first in line. But is new always the best ?

With the internet gaining so much power, businesses are constantly closing down now a days. The same Borders book store that I hung out in when I was 16 while I waited for my parents to pick me up from, then eventually worked in at 19 will cease to exist (thankfully it will be a Cheesecake Factory though, so excited). Even stores like F.Y.E, for your entertainment, have closed down there has been no need to run out to the store for the latest movies or even Kanye West & Jay-Z CD. We can do everything from the comfort of our own homes.

I cannot deny it when I heard that Jay-Z and Kanye West were going to be dropping an album together I must have circled and made note of it on my calendar about a billion times. When itunes made the announcement that they would be selling pre-ordered copies via their website I jumped at it. Automatically at 12 am on the release date, through my itunes account I began to download the newest album. So what does this all mean ? Is there a need to get out of bed, get into my car and drive to best buy just to have a physical copy ? For myself and my love of music I am hoping this industry does not die out but our laziness in this day and age makes it so hard to keep stores like Borders and Blockbuster still in business.

E-Commerce just keeps booming. These large corporations continue to produce products and apps that are pulling in new consumers daily. The need for newspapers and print media has fallen within the last 10 years. Websites like Twitter have been the newest way for many people to get their news the fastest. Who needs a daily newspaper ? I personally receive constant updates to my cell phone of any sort of event happening, by the time my generation has children then grandchildren the print media industry might eventually die out. Very few people at this time sit down every morning to read what happened within the last week through out the world.

I enjoy new technology just as much as the next person, but I for one do not want to see stores like Best Buy eventually closing down in the future for lack of sales because the consumer prefers to shop completely online. I fear that our laziness has begun to take over and has had a part in the closing of stores. No one wants to waste their time to actually visit a store, we've gotten too comfortable with what we've been given. Take time out of your day to visit your local book store, support small businesses, and every now and then actually buy a CD. Keep E-Commerce from taking over our lives.

This happens to be my first effort into blogging, I'd appreciate any and every sort of feedback.
Thanks :)

- Amanda C